Feel fabulous today, tomorrow and every day!
Are you frustrated by the lack of information about female health and hormones.
And overwhelmed by the contradicting advice around food and diets?
Then the Fab Female Nutrition Club is for you.
This is for you if…
Want non-nonsense advice from an expert.
I am a qualified Nutrional Therapist, Health Coach and Nutrigenomics Practitioner.
You know you need to change but need some help and support along the way.
Sick of all the contradictory information all the time? I’ll share sensible actionable advice that you can understand, and more importantly, apply to real life.
Want to understand more about what foods will help support your health.
Food is my passion and I share lots of ideas that will inspire your creativity in the kitchen.
You feel like your hormones and your mood is all over the place
Realistic advice and guidance so you’ll understand more about balancing your hormones.
Imagine if you could …
- Get targeted support from a female hormone specialist and take back control of your health.
- Understand how food and lifestyle can give you more energy and vitality so you can enjoy life more.
- Feel full of energy and have a renewed zest for life.
- Renew your love of food.
- Be part of a community – supported by me a qualified Nutritional Therapist.
I will not tell you what to eat and give you loads of food rules. I make it my mission to educate you about food, nutrition and lifestyle so that you can make changes to YOUR own diet and lifestyle.
Health is a journey not a destination.
Everything we put in our body, on our body and the environment we surround ourselves with affects our health and wellbeing. I will share practical tips and advice to support you in your journey.
Helping you feel fabulous, today, tomorrow and every day.
What’s Included?

A qualified naturopathic nutritionist on hand to support you with regular lives and posts.

Regular live cooking demonstrations with nutrition advice to help you fall back in love with food.

A safe space to ask questions, share your wins and support each other.
Hi, I’m Wendy
If we haven’t met yet, let me introduce myself.
I’m Wendy and I am a qualified naturopathic nutritional therapist and health coach. I am an expert in female hormone health.
I am on a mission to help everyone understand how great it feels to be well nourished.
I love food and delight in sharing ways you can eat real food that is good for you.
Let me help you feel fabulous today, tomorrow and every day.
Wendy x