176 Crystal Armour with Annie Heath

Annie creates beautiful crystal armour that can support you at any part of your journey through life. This week we talk all about how crystals work together and some key ones that will support your perimenopause journey.

About Annie

Working with crystals Annie creates energy vessel cosmic armour jewellery pieces and personalised crystal sets to aid her clients needs. Teaching them how to harness their crystals and bring that magic into their every day lives.

How did you start?

Annie was always picking up pretty pebbles and stones as a child, and that developed into a love of crystals and stones. The first stone she had, and still her favourite, is amethyst. Amethyst is know for its properties to be soothing and calming, this can help with anxiety, which is something she suffered with, and this is why Annie thinks it was her first crystal.

She was always creative and, lucky for us, redundancy ‘forced’ her into creating her business which was originally creating jewellery. Always thinking about the wearer with intent Annie realised that she wanted to understand more about the crystals and how they could support her clients and so she trained to become a crystal healer.

Basics of crystals – for the beginner

Your crystal will choose you if you let it. You should place your intention in the palm of your hand and hover it over the crystal, if you feel a pull then it is telling you that you need it.

To get the most from your crystal you need to use it with intent. Sitting with a crystal, quietly looking at the shape and the colours, can help to clear blocks and give you focus.

Each different stone has a different meaning, and can work slightly differently for the user. Annie suggests starting with a sone such as Clear Quarts which is the master healer and connects all your bodies Shakra’s.

How do you create a collection such as the menopause?

When creating any piece of jewellery, it’s important to find out what the client wants from it. So, in the case of the menopause jewellery, Annie and I thought about the main symptoms. Annie then created a collection of stones that could work together to help support this stage of life.

Some stones are for protection, and they are signified as an amulet, and then there are talisman stones which are for boosting. As a crystal healer, Annie will spend time making sure that the balance is correct. She does this by meditating and listening to which crystals pop up and of course through research. The stones are adaptable and so it’s important to get a clear understanding of how they can work with each person.

Key crystals for perimenopause:

Thinking specifically about perimenopause Annie suggests these three crystals

  • MOONSTONE – for all female hormones. It has lunar energy and it is good to keep by you when you sleep
  • MALACHITE – a more mature stone and also the midwife stone. This is often used to balance hormones.
  • AMETHYST – travellers stone to support your in your journey through perimenopause, also very calming for anxiety which is another key symptom in perimenopause.

Some key do’s and don’ts with crystals

Always clean your stones when you receive them. They will have picked up energy, negative or positive, during their journey to you. Annie suggests the simplest way is to lay them on a bed of salt, and then just throw the salt away. Then to recharge them every month in the same way.

Cleanse your stones every month. Moon bathing is often suggested for stones but it is much more complicated than just putting them out at night, as the different stages of the moon have different effects on the energy. So simple salt cleansing is still the best way to cleanse your stones.

Don’t add them to your drinking water, some contain minerals that leach. If you want to charge your water you need to put them into a separate container, or use them outside the water.

Use them with intent. Think of crystals as your armour, and you can positively charge them and use them with intent. Spend time with your crystals and they will support and help you.

Quick fire!

  • Favourite meal – spaghetti Bolognese
  • Last drink you had – water
  • What have you got for tea? Probably stir-fry

Annie has offered listeners 10% off the menopause collection – just enter code FAB10 at checkout

Has this episode inspired you to buy a crystal? Which one called to you?

Want to know more about ways to work with me?

There are many ways that you can work with me to balance your hormones and improve your health and wellbeing.

I have a fabulous free community on Facebook Fab Female Nutrition Club I offer lots of support and advice on female health and wellbeing. I also love to cook and create recipes and I’ll often be seen in the group cooking live and sharing all the wonderful health benefits of the ingredients used.

Several times a year I work with groups of ladies to transform their health and wellbeing. Appropriately called The Transformation Program they can help with many different issues and have had hugely impressive results – including up to 100% reduction in symptoms. If you suffer with IBS, fatigue, inflammation, hormonal imbalances or just want to spend some time concentrating on your health and wellbeing they are fabulous value and great fun.

If you feel like you need a more bespoke option, then I also offer 1:1 coaching and support. Working with your specific needs creating nutritional protocols that support your health goals. This is an fully supported program that last 6 months. We take a full health history, then create and refine protocols so that you learn about your body and how to support it. I will be with you every step of the way, and may aim is that you feel empowered to continue with the changes forever. Find out more here.