Episode 1 – Introduction

Welcome to our Ditch the Diet podcast!

This is my first episode so thank you for joining me. Let’s get to know each other, it is very important to me to talk to you about what I think makes for a healthy sensible diet. I use common sense and I my nutritional knowledge.

My 5 top tips to a healthier life


I talk to my clients about this all of the time. If you do not drink enough water then it is very important to increase this. When I decreased the amount of caffeine I was drinking, I increased the amount of water I was drinking. One thing that improved by doing this was my skin, I saw a massive improvement. Water is vital and hydrates us from the inside out.

Fruit and Vegetables

Eat more of these, this is the theme within our membership this month. I am not vegan or vegetarian but I eat a lot of these meals as I like to eat a lot of vegetables. I like to source seasonal fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. This helps me to change what I am eating and provides variety within my meals. It provides us with the different vitamins and minerals that we need without needing to take supplements.

Be prepared

It is so important to be prepared and organised, to make sure that we know what we are going to eat and when we are going to eat it. This also means that we will have the correct ingredients that we need, to prevent picking up processed food as a last minute option. Batch cooking and freezing in portions or cooking enough so that there are leftovers, will mean that there is enough for the following day.

Eat wholegrains

There are lots of wholegrain foods that are much better for us than processed foods. Lentils, beans and pulses are a great example of this. Wholegrains are great for our guts and can stop us feeling bloated and sluggish. Wholegrains also contain fibre which is good for the good bacteria in our guts.

The 80/20 rule

Eat well for 80% of the time and have fun for the other 20%. I do not like to count calories which is the main part of a “diet”. I am aware of what I eat and drink and am not depriving myself. 80% of the time, I make sure that I get the vitamins and nutrients that I need. The other 20%, I eat pizza, I drink wine. It is about being balanced and enjoying life.


Thank you for joining me I’d love to know more about you, so do pop onto my social media channels and tell me!