Episode 101 – Your questions, answered

You very kindly helped me out with some questions, in case no-one joined me on my 100th episode, which I recorded live.

Luckily, I wasn’t left talking to myself, so I thought I’d answer your questions in this episode.

What is the one thing we can do today to improve our health?

My lovely client Teresa asked this question, along with ‘who is your favourite client’ to which my answer is YOU obviously!

The simplest and easiest thing we can all do to improve your health is to drink more water. So go and grab a glass if you don’t have one already.

The one thing you can do tonight to support your health, is get a good night’s sleep. Stop using phones/laptops immediately before bed, reduce stimulants like caffeine, and just think about having a bedtime routine.

What are your best recommendations for supporting our mood and energy, after all the ups and downs of the last 18 months?

Thank you Joanne for a great question. Joanne was a guest on the podcast talking about her Little Foodies Club – you can listen to her episode here (episode 84)

My Transformation Programs are specifically designed to support a wide range of issues and would be fabulous for anyone who is ready to improve their health and wellbeing. Supported by me and NutriAdvanced 5r protocol it’s a great way to kick start and re-invigorate. I run them 3 times a year – find out when the next one starts here

Also, please go back and listen to episode 62 which I recorded at the start of the second lockdown talking about the 5 things I do daily to support my health and wellbeing – it still applies very much today.

What’s your most memorable meal?

Asked by Louise, my fab web designer (new website coming soon) and member of Ditch the Diet asked this question, and very much like many other guests I can’t remember what I ate, it was the ambience and memories that it created.

We were visiting my sister-in-law and family in Hong Kong, and they took us to The Royal Bank of China, which was no longer a bank but a private members club. From the second we stepped out of the lift, I was enchanted. There was a band whose singer had an old-fashioned microphone, and it felt like we were on a vintage cruise liner. The food was Chinese, but no idea what, and we finished off the evening with drinks on the balcony overlooking Hong Kong – amazing.

What is the ONE kitchen gadget, and THREE ingredients you can’t live without?

Asked by the lovely Lucy, who is an avid podcast listener and joined me on my 100th episode. Lucy has also been a 1-1 client and is a current member of Ditch the Diet group.

The kitchen gadget is definitely my slow cooker, which is very ancient but much loved and is currently making chicken stock. Closely followed by my soup maker.

The three ingredients are hard, but it would have to be eggs, which I love in any form. Boiled, poached, scrambled, fried…the options are endless. A tin of tomatoes, as you can make so much with them, and a spice would need to be paprika, which means I’ve almost got the ingredients for Shashuka!

What recommendations do you have, to help with bloating?

Thanks to Carol for a great question! My answer is to relax, chew and walk.

Remember that digestion starts in the mouth, so chew your food properly. In order to digest food correctly, you need to be in the Parasympathetic Nervous System – aka our rest and digest. The clue is in the name, if you are stressed and worked up you are not able to fully digest your food, so you need to calm down and relax. I talk about this in episode 99.

Finally, go for a walk. It helps to support the digestive system, and will encourage improved gut motility; therefore reducing bloating.

What do you think the optimal supplements are, to support good health and immunity?

Thank you, Abi, for this great question and for being one of my most loyal podcast listeners. Abi constantly posts about listening to the podcast on her daily exercise, and I really appreciate all the support.

I didn’t answer the question this week, as I think it deserves its own episode. I am a Nutritional Therapist who supports improvements in lifestyle and diet above supplementation, but there are times when appropriate and specific supplements are needed – an episode will follow shortly!

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I’m always looking for great guests for the podcast. People who have a passion for food, or a great story to tell. Do you know anyone that would make a good guest?