Episode 107 – Self-Care

In this episode, I talk about self-care. What does it look like for you and are you doing any?

Self-care is vital

Caring for others is easy, but many of us forget to care for ourselves. That is, until it’s too late, and we get sick.

Embracing the seasons

My self-care looks different at different times of the year.

In the summer months, it might be more about getting out in the garden, going for long walks, and making the most of the occasional good weather. My food and exercise is different in the summer months too. I crave salad and light meals, and I spend as much time as I can outdoors.

As we approach the winter, I start to think about keeping warm; I love the Swedish term Hygge, which means to cosy and comfort. That’s exactly what my body needs. I want more baths, more soups and broths, and I spend less time outdoors, but take more time to stretch and connect with my body.

It isn’t a luxury it’s a need

I would encourage everyone to find something to do for themselves. It doesn’t have to be yoga or meditation, which is what we might think about when we hear the words self-care.

I love to cook, so losing myself in the kitchen is a kind of self-care; yet my husband would hate it.

I’ve also taken up tap-dancing classes, something I never did as a kid that I am really enjoying, and this is time for me and my own version of self-care.

My links

What does self-care look like for you? Let me know!