Episode 108 – What’s seasonal right now?

I love my seasonal food episodes, and as we transition through autumn, I’m enjoying the changes in my diet and the food available.

As a child we celebrated the Harvest Festival at school, but I never really appreciated how important the harvest season is for our long-term food supply. Traditionally, the bounty at this time of year would need to be stored effectively, or preserved to last us through the winter season.

The Harvest Festival is celebrated on the Sunday nearest to the harvest moon, which is usually either early August or late September, this year it’s Thursday 30th September, so the Harvest Festival will be on 3rd October.


We will be coming to the end of the summer leaves, but spinach and rocket are still growing happily in my garden and should survive even a tiny bit of frost.

There are even tomatoes growing still, if you have a poly tunnel they will go on for a month or so.

What I get really excited about, is the start of the winter greens and root vegetables, such as butternut squash, kale, celeriac and cabbages.


Blackberries always signify the end of the summer for me, and you have to be quick if you want to pick them before the birds have their fill. They freeze extremely well, and I am lucky enough to have lots of friends who make jams, so I have a good supply in my pantry most of the year.

Apples and pears are the ultimate in autumnal fruits, and apples will store well all winter if you are careful. Pears not so much, so enjoy them now when they are at their best, or why not try preserving?

Further afield

We import a huge amount of fruits and vegetables, and whilst I love fennel and figs in the autumn, they are not often from the UK. Although, if you have a good farmer’s market, and it has been a good summer, figs are definitely a real treat.

My links

What are your favourite autumnal fruits and vegetables? Let me know!