Episode 115 – Being positive, with Lisa Zawrotny

Would you like some tips on how to stop being busy, and start being productive in a way that creates space for what matters? That’s what I talk about this week with Lisa Zawrotny.

About Lisa

“Lisa Zawrotny is the founder of Positively Productive Systems, host of the Positively Living Podcast, and a Productivity + Organizing Coach certified in time and stress management. She uses simplicity, self awareness, and systems to help multi passionate creatives boost productivity, balance business and family, and avoid burnout. When she’s not sharing the wonders of decluttering and habits, she’s playing music, drinking iced coffee, and watching movies with her husband and kiddos, or reading while trapped under a cat.

Finding quality food

Finding herself looking after her elderly mother as well as navigating two pregnancies and caring for her children, ended up driving Lisa to orthorexia, through a need to control parts of her life.

She was struggling to eat anything, without feeling anxious about how healthy (or not) her food was. Realising that this was not a healthy way to live, she did some research and discovered Evelyn Tribole and intuitive eating. Learning to listen to her body, react to signs of hunger and fullness, and learning to nourish her body better, was a turning point.

Creating space for what matters

As part of a decluttering process, Lisa helps create space and a path, so clients can see the way.

She wants to encourage everyone to stop being busy, and start being more productive. Helping you find ways that work for you, and allow you to live more and breathe easier.

No1 productivity tool

We had fun chatting about some of the things that I do to help my productivity, and the key with Lisa’s approach is that one size does not fit everyone. She hones in on the things that will help each individual, and helps them create their own productivity tool.

My biggest takeaway is the Capture List – a place to jot down the ideas that jump into my mind, so that I don’t have to worry about losing them, but they also do not become part of a never ending ‘to-do’ list.

Quick fire!

  • What is your most positively memorable meal? Steak, tuna and chocolate soufflé, in Hawaii on honeymoon.
  • What food reminds you of childhood? Rouladen, a German rolled meat dish served with cucumber salad.
  • What have you got for tea? Pizza – which is a double win as I don’t have to cook!

Lisa’s links

My links

I’d love to know, have you have taken away a tip that you feel will positively impact your productivity?