Episode 116 – How to have a more environmentally friendly Christmas

In this episode, I’d like to share my top tips on how to have a more environmentally friendly, and economical Christmas.


A bit of time with a pad and pen can make all the difference. Think about what meals you will actually be eating at home and how many people you are catering for, then make a list of what you are cooking and what you need to buy. My top tip is to leave a few meals empty, as you will most likely have leftovers, and also, you may choose to eat out or just not be hungry!

Take your list with you when you shop, or even better do as much of it online as you can; there is less temptation to overbuy.

Reducing waste

The most wasted foods include bread, bagged salad and cheese.

Here is a list of what you can do or make from your excess, if you haven’t had time to eat it:

  • Freeze it
  • Panzanella Salad
  • Toast
  • Croutons
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Refresh salad in iced water
  • Pesto – any greens can replace basil and then can be stored in a jar
  • Soup – everyone needs a green soup over the holidays
  • Grate and freeze cheese
  • Make cheese sauce for any leftover vegetables and freeze

Leftovers can be meals for a King

I much prefer bubble and squeak to mash and cabbage! Make sure you have some good leftover recipes, and use your freezer.

Making bone broth is easier than you might think. Simply add the bones to your slow cooker and throw in a carrot, onion, bay leaf and peppercorns if you have them, then cook on low for 24 hours. Strain and freeze for use in soups and stews.

Rethink and be prepared to change

Christmas is a time for joy, and whilst we all will tend to eat more and eat richer foods, did you know that the average calories consumed is a whopping 4,350. It’s no wonder that we feel sluggish.

As well as following my tips to help you reduce waste, why not think about ways that you can increase your activity over the Christmas period. Adding in a walk after lunch, wrap up in your new holiday finery and see what fabulous Christmas lights your neighbours have on. My favourite exercise is to dance, so pop the music on while you prepare lunch, and get everyone in the kitchen having a boogie with you!

Alcohol can play a big part in the celebrations for many families, but it affects our sleep and our mood (not to mention even more calories). Make up a big jug of water with slices of clementines, to ensure everyone is hydrated throughout out the day. Or why not play with mocktails so that everyone can enjoy them?

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy and happy Christmas and New Year xxx

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What changes are you making this year? Let me know!