Episode 123 – Small Habits

I’m a huge believer in making small changes. Small changes can become new healthy habits much easier than if you try to change too much in one go. This week on the podcast I share some simple small habit changes that you can make now.

Small habit changes

Each week in the membership, we are focusing on one area that we can create new habits for, to improve our health. At this time of year, we look at those big changes and unfortunately the results can be that we end up failing. What if you just made one health habit change each week? That would mean 52 new and healthy habits by the end of 2022.

Here are some ideas of habits you can adopt:


Water is the fundamental of everything we do, we literally cannot function without it. We are 70% water, and 90% of our blood is water. Signs of dehydration include poor concentration, fatigue and hunger.

Take a glass of water to bed with you and make it your first drink of the day.

Colourful fruit and vegetables

Vegetables and fruit are filled with essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Each colour and variety have their own unique combination.

The easiest way to get the most benefit, is to aim to eat the rainbow daily and to change up the rainbow as often as you can.

Healthy fats

We need fats to make steroid hormones such as vitamin D (yes, it is a hormone – listen to podcast episode 111 for more information) oestrogen and progesterone.

Listen back to episode 61 for more information on the different kinds of fats, and how to add them to your diet.

Quality protein

Surprisingly, many women are not eating enough protein. Think about spreading it out through the day, breakfast is the meal we seem to miss the most.

It is the building blocks of the body and essential for repair, building and maintenance. Aiming for 0.8g to 1g of protein per Kg of body weight.

What is the small habit that you are going to incorporate into your daily life? I’d love it if you shared that with me.