Episode 131 – Ways to improve our sleep

Sleep is a wonderful aspect of life but it can often be an enigma, and this week I am going to share some tips to help you improve the quality of your sleep. From lifestyle to supplements they are all simple and easily actionable.

Last week I explained why we sleep, if you missed it then this is the link episode 130.

The environment (your bedroom)

How comfortable is your bedroom and your bed? We sleep best at 18oC, and the room should be dark and quiet. Natural fibres for bed sheets help if you suffer with night sweats, is it time to invest in new sheets and pillows?

Remove phones and laptops from the bedroom if possible. And again, if possible, only use it for sleep and sex.

During the day

Ensure you get some time outdoors and expose yourself to natural light, ideally taking a walk in the morning to reset your body’s natural circadian rhythm.

Avoid working or using your late into the night. The blue light activated cortisol – our wake hormone.

Prepare for bed, have a warm bath, try meditation or gentle yoga.

Food and drink

Stop eating at least 3 hours before bed. Our digestive system repairs throughout the night and if it is still processing food it affects the ability to repair and rebuild.

Cut down on caffeine. Ideally no caffeine after midday. Caffeine has a half life of approx 6 hours, so if you drink a coffee at 6pm it’s like having half a cup at midnight. Swap for herbal teas such as Chamomile which have been shown to improve the quality of sleep.

Reconsider alcohol. My new motto with alcohol is to drink to celebrate and not to commiserate. Alcohol has been shown to significantly impact the quality of our sleep (particularly the REM which helps repair our brain) and if you suffer with night sweats it can considerably increase their occurrence.

Supplements and other actions

Lavender as a pillow spray or room spray has been shown to improve sleep.

Herbal teas such as Chamomile and Lavender. Green tea has l-theanine which is an amino acid that promotes calm – just make sure your tea is decaffeinated.

Natural supplements are available, but seek the advice of an expert to ensure they do not react with any other medication. I offer free supplement reviews.

What tips do you think will help with your sleep?