Episode 143 – Building Confidence with Sian Carter

This week I talk to Sian Carter about the challenges women can face in mid life. Why, when they should be at the height of their career confidence, the menopause can throw a curveball. And some top tips to help us improve our confidence and get to the other side.

About Sian

Sian is a Career and Confidence Coach for mid-career professionals who want to move on or move up in their career, or build their confidence in their current role. Sian is a qualified coach with extensive experience in HR, learning and development and recruitment. She blends coaching with practical support and mentoring to get results.

Is lack of confidence mostly a female issue?

A shocking statistic is that 81% of adults have admitted to suffering with imposter syndrome, but it does seem to be women who are more comfortable with admitting to it. But it does affect all of us at some time or another. Sian says the key is to be able to firstly recognise the internal monologue and then learn how to change it.

Have you noticed menopause affecting your clients?

Yes! Unfortunately she has seen instances of women being managed out of their jobs, or leaving due to the symptoms of perimenopause. These can include brain fog, poor memory and hot sweats, not all of these signs are visible and either the employee or the employer might not realise that it’s hormonal imbalances that are causing the changes.

In Sian’s personal experience she found the symptoms affected her confidence in a job that she loved and had been doing for years, as she found that she wasn’t able to retain and recall information as easily as she had done previously.

What would you say are the signs of overwhelm?

Looking for changes in mood and performance can be key for an employer. But this is also key when you are thinking about your loved ones too. If more children were educated as to the signs of perimenopause we would have better skills to support our loved ones when they need it.

On a personal level Sian suggests sitting quietly and writing an ‘I must’ list. Write 7 sentences starting with I must…… then re-evaluate that list and really work out if the job is a must do, and secondly if there is someone else that can help you.

One tip to help improve confidence?

One of Sian’s main roles she feels is to help build confidence. And that starts from changing the way we talk to ourselves. We are uniquely placed to create negative thoughts and beliefs, and therefore positive beliefs. By listening to the self talk and then helping clients change that voice can be extremely powerful.

Quick fire!

  • Dress
  • Pizza
  • Countryside
  • Walking
  • Roasted Salmon with rice and stir fried vegetables – which got a big thumbs up!