165 – Prioritising your health

Do you prioritise everyone else before yourself? This week I delve into that further and explain why looking after your own health first is the best way to care for your loved ones.

What would happen if you couldn’t do your job?

Your job might be to cook the meals, you might be the breadwinner. You might be the one that makes sure the family has fun at the weekends. Whatever your job is within your family unit it’s important, and if you weren’t able to do it, for whatever reason, your family would suffer as a result.

I’m too busy looking after everyone else

We often prioritise everyone else’s health before our own. Making sure everyone else gets properly fed and then not having time to make your own lunch? Or spending hours late into the night ironing, cleaning and generally organising life so that the rest of the family has an easy time but you don’t.

It might seem brutal, but think about what would happen if you weren’t there to do that job? But less dramatically, what if you felt better; would your life be happier, more pleasant. Are you grumpy because you don’t feel great?

Get support

You are not a machine, and you cannot do this all alone. So if the reason you are not taking care of yourself is because you don’t have time, you need to find a way to make that time.

Are you putting to high expectations on yourself? Are you able to delegate or get the rest of the family involved. Don’t be a martyr, as for help. Change the rhetoric so that you can have fun with your family once the chores are done, that way everyone gets to have a good time.

Make a list of the jobs that you do, is there any way that you could get outside help? There are people that love to do the things you hate so ask around, if finances are tight could you do an exchange?

Make a health plan

Once you have asked for help from the family start to think about ways that you can support your health. The first question to ask is how do you feel right now, be honest with yourself. Are you tired, is your digestions under stress, do you have headaches, aches and pains?

Then make a list of positive actions that you can take to improve your health right now, call it your ‘healthy me’ list and start to tick them off.

Could you go to bed earlier so you are less tired?

Could you stop eating junk food and make yourself a nice meal so that your digestion improves?

If you love to walk then can you take the family to the countryside at the weekend?

These are all personal things and I encourage you to concentrate on the small wins that are cost free first, make them new habits, but more importantly get those that love you involved in the process – they want you to be happy and healthy too.

What do you have on your ‘healthy me’ list? Let me know!

Want to know more about ways to work with me?

There are many ways that you can work with me to balance your hormones and improve your health and wellbeing.

I have a fabulous free community on Facebook Fab Female Nutrition Club where I offer lots of support and advice about female health and wellbeing. I love to cook and create recipes, so I’ll often be found in the group cooking live and sharing all the wonderful health benefits of the ingredients used in my recipes.

Several times a year I work with ladies in small groups. The appropriately called The Transformation Program can help with many different aspect of health and wellbeing and we have had massive improvements in many different health issues – including up to 100% reduction in symptoms. If you suffer with IBS, fatigue, inflammation, hormonal imbalances or just want to spend some time concentrating on your health and wellbeing they are fabulous value and great fun.

If you feel like you need a more bespoke option, then I also offer 1:1 coaching and support. Working with your specific needs creating nutritional protocols that support your health goals. This is an fully supported program that last 6 months. We take a full health history, then create and refine protocols so that you learn about your body and how to support it. I will be with you every step of the way to guide you and ensure that you realise your true health potential. Find out more here.