170 – How often should you be eating?

Do you eat twice a day, three times a day, or maybe you snack a lot and eat 6 or more times a day? This week I explain why how often you eat is just as important as what you eat.

Why do we need three meals a day?

There is a saying about three square meals a day, comes from sailors who used to eat their meals from square plates. However, they definitely didn’t eat three times a day and more likely had one or two meals per day.

Three meals a day seems to fit with modern times, we eat before work, at a break in the middle of the day, and then again once we return home. However, we don’t have to eat three meals a day what is more important is the space between our meals.

How many times are you eating in a day?

When I discuss meal plans with clients, I will often encourage them to eat three meals a day. However, it isn’t the number that’s important, it’s the time between meals that is. And a meal is any kind of food that you eat.

Typically, people are eating several times a day, even if they skip breakfast. As a biscuit, a piece of fruit, or even a milky coffee is food. And I find that by encouraging clients to start with a good breakfast and have a filling lunch, it is easier for them to skip the snacks in between, thus actually reducing the times they eat although it might be increasing the quantity.

Time for gastric emptying.

Our digestive system needs time to clean, repair and do the other jobs it has to do, such as making hormones.

The natural cleaning known as Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) only occurs once food has passed from the stomach into the intestines. If we are constantly topping up then it never gets time to clean up. Imagine your kitchen if you never properly cleaned the work surfaces. This can lead to intestinal permeability – otherwise known as leaky gut. And a key contributor to IBS.

How should you allow between eating?

Ideally, I recommend that you have at least 3 hours between each meal, and stopping eating 2-3 hours before bed. So if you are up early and eating breakfast you could eat up to four times a day, however it’s also totally fine to eat just twice a day. That’s the beauty of nutrition – it’s adaptable to suit you. The key is to not eat too often, and then to make sure you get a health balanced diet. Listen to episode 166 for more on this.

Are you constantly eating? Share with me how you are going to change that habit.

Want to know more about ways to work with me?

There are many ways that you can work with me to balance your hormones and improve your health and wellbeing.

On Facebook the Fab Female Nutrition Club is a wonderful FREE community where I offer lots of support and advice on female health and wellbeing. I also love to cook and create recipes and I’ll often be seen in the group cooking live and sharing all the wonderful health benefits of the ingredients used.

My Fab Female Nutrition Membership sits alongside the free club, but offers you lots of resources and group coaching with me. The hub has the full recipe book that is constantly being updated, the 5 elements of health containing resources and guides to help support you in your health journey. And 6 group coaching calls a year, plus access to other member benefits such as discounts from group programs.

A few times a year I work with groups of ladies to transform their health and wellbeing. Appropriately called The Transformation Program it can help with many differing issues and we have had hugely impressive results – including up to 100% reduction in symptoms. If you suffer with IBS, fatigue, inflammation, hormonal imbalances or just want to spend some time concentrating on your health and wellbeing they are fabulous value and great fun.

If you feel like you need a more bespoke option, then my 1:1 coaching is for you. We will concentrate on your specific needs creating nutritional protocols that support your health goals. This is a fully supported program that last 6 months. We take a full health history, then create and refine protocols so that you learn about your body and how to support it. I will be with you every step of the way to guide you and ensure that you realise your true health potential. Find out more here.