Episode 43 – Why diets fail you

Hello and welcome to this weeks episode of Are you REALLY going to eat that?

What a wet and cold Summers day! I was ready to have a nice heritage tomato salad but that has gone out of the window; it was a lovely cooked lunch instead.

So, this weeks podcast talks about why diets fail and my top 3 reasons for why they fail.

Number 1 – The foods that we eat as part of a diet are too different from what we normally eat

We are creatures of habit so to suddenly tell ourselves that we need to buy different food, find different ways to prep and cook in different ways, just leads us into an unknown territory. We do not feel comfortable, we do not feel natural, none of it comes naturally to us. We search for hours on end for ingredients that we are not used to buying (the current lockdown situation does not help!). At one point I would not have had a clue what kale and chia seeds were!

Number 2 – Weight losses stall and plateau

When you first “go on a diet”, you may have a lot to lose and will initially see great results. Your body then becomes used to the new way of eating and your weight loss stalls.

If you are on a long weight loss journey, it comes to a stand still. If your diet is restricted, you will reduce the nutrient intake which also reduces energy. This means that you will move less and burn less calories. Your body will think “I’m hanging onto this as I don’t know when I will next be fed!”

Number 3 – When you diet, you reach your goal and then quit

Weight loss companies want you to pay, achieve your goal, quit (TOO RESTRICTING – BACK TO POINT 1), put weight back on and rejoin!

My Ditch the Diet membership is there to educate you. You may come in for a short time, learn what you need and leave, that’s fine with me. Or you want to stay longer for the community and the support – that’s fine too! I have been this comfortable weight for years, it’s not about reaching a goal and quitting, it’s about finding what works for you.

I have a tip for you… Make 1 change

Look at your diet, what you eat and change 1 thing. This will improve your diet and your health. Then in a couple of weeks, make another change. Keep looking at your diet, make a small change and create new habits.

Be in control.