Episode 52 – Food by Numbers

Why are we so obsessed with counting our food?

Thats the topic of this weeks podcast, listen on iTunes.

The second fundamental of the Ditch the Diet membership is to count nutrients, not calories, so I am not innocent of getting caught up in the many ways we count our food.

  • Calorie Counting
  • Carbohydrate restriction
  • Intermittent fasting
  • Syns
  • Points
  • 5:2 diet

These are all ways in which we count our food, but why?

Honestly, I believe it’s down to rules and money. It’s hard to create a best selling new diet when the only rule is ‘listen to your body’. But if we have rules and numbers to build a plan around then we can create a specific diet that will sell, because we need to know thee rules and then get someone to help us stick to them.

Listen to your body, it will tell you what to eat and when.

Thats the message from this week’s podcast. Along with a few suggested rules about eating more vegetables and having a food free window – after all we can’t be a totally rule-free society can we!?