Episode 55 – Self Sabotage

Advance warning – in this weeks podcast I’m going to challenge a bit! If you feel uncomfortable during this episode, please go back to last week’s episode have a listen to the GLAS framework and undertake the assessment. This may help you to move forward.

A successful gut reset…Interested?

I have just finished my 3 day gut reset and it was great! It’s absolutely free and I do lots of videos to interact with you. Lots of my Ditch the DIet members did it alongside me which was great. There will be free event in November. If you sign up to my newsletter, Wendy’s waffles, I will let you know when it is coming up.

So many excuses…

A few people that signed up for the 3 day gut reset have been in touch giving excuses as to why they will not be doing it. “Life is difficult”, “I didn’t have time to shop”. I’ll be honest what I wanted to say was ‘you’ve got to eat something and I’m guessing that will involve shopping’ but I resisted. I found out before starting the challenge that I would be in quarantine (as I was a away the week before) but I managed to order my shopping online from Crete, so really thats no excuse!

I’ve had a couple of private conversations with people about self sabotage with illness. I have people that say they are desperate to lose weight and they have underlying health conditions that their weight is impacting. I advise them what to eat and what small changes to make. I then have a follow up call, to these clients who are paying me for my help, and they make excuses, as to why they haven’t done anything.

Food for thought…

I am going to mention things that I want you to think long and hard about:

Typical self sabotage

“I can’t resist. I wanted 2 cookies and ate a whole packet.” Why? I love pizza, I have 2 slices instead of a full one and I accompany it with salad.

“I’ll start on Monday.” This means that on the Saturday they eat everything in the cupboard and then can’t face the diet on the Monday so will “start next week” If the diet is that hard that you have to eat the normal foods in your house, it is not the right diet for you! You will probably gain weight too!

The problem

You sign up for the next diet, pay the money, plan your meals and you don’t have the time to prep and shop. Then you are still hungry. This will not get you where you want to be.

Are you self sabotaging because you are scared? Your illness, your weight, you’re the big friend with the pretty face. Are you letting those things define you? Are you scared of who you will be if you lose the weight and get healthy?

In last weeks episode, Dani was honest with how she used food to control things. I admitted that I’ve used alcohol in the past to control things.
Do you know who you will be without that weight or illness or are you allowing that to hold you back?
You are not alone and I hope this helps you to get to better health. Sit back and think about what you are doing to get in your own way, are you self sabotaging and if you are, what can you do about it?

The solution

Find out what is your barrier, what is getting in your way? Do you need additional help? If you do then seek that out, because you deserve to be healthy.

Don’t sign up for the next quick fix diet, fix your head first. Then just make one change.

Stop planning to start diets and plan the next meal! Plan to eat healthier this week than the week before, even if it is just one meal.

I can help you…. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for tips and advice. Message me direct if you need to.

Be kind to yourself. Be comfortable. Make small changes.