Episode 63 – Facts about Fibre

This week I am talking about fibre, a common subject that I talk to my clients about very often.

What is Fibre?

Fibre feeds our good gut bacteria. This is particularly important now as over 70% of our immune systems are in our gut. There are different types of fibre (soluble and insoluble) that do different jobs but they are equally as important as each other. Our gut bacteria is very important. It breaks down the foods into different nutrients that our bodies need.

How much fibre do we need?

The government recommended amount is 30 grams of fibre a day. Many people do not achieve this and are having considerably less fibre. This may be due to eating processed foods. Most foods contain fibre, and if you are eating whole foods it’s easier to get well above the recommended amount – I give an example of a daily meal plan that has plenty of fibre (link below)

5 ways to increase your fibre intake

Vegetables and fruit

These are a great way to increase your fibre, especially if you eat the skin. For example, eat the skin of apples and jacket potatoes. Eat the stem of the broccoli and cauliflower.


Swap your processed wholegrain foods for wholegrain foods. For example, white bread and white pasta are processed, whereas wholegrain bread and pasta are much better

Beans and pulses

Lentils and beans (even out of jars and tins!) are full of fibre and can be added to meals easily. You can swap them for other proteins within your meals.


Eat wholegrain, rye or sourdough bread. You can add your favourite things to these to make gorgeous sandwiches, maybe an open sandwich on rye bread.

Nuts and seeds

These are full of essential fatty acids and are full of fibre. They are high in calories so eat those in moderation but they are a great addition.

My top tip

Fibre is harder to digest and I would definitely make small changes to your fibre intake rather than increasing it drastically. If you are eating more fibre, please drink more water.


Fibre blog post – Check out this post to see some meal ideas and more information

Ditch the Diet – the doors are closing on 5th December 2020. Get in there quick!

7 ways in 7 days – Join me for 7 days from 22nd November where I share tips that I apply to my health and wellbeing each day. Come along and ask me questions for free! Closing date is 21st November.

Episode 61 – This episode talks about fats.

Episode 9 – This episode talks about sugars.

Keep an eye out on my Facebook page for lots coming up in 2021!

Thank you to those of you that have left me reviews, the podcast reached number 14 in the nutrition charts! If you have enjoyed this episode then please leave me a review, and remember to subscribe. Thank you again.