Episode 95 – Are you micro-managing your diet?

You need to stop and chill out!

Do you overthink about your food?

Often when I look at client’s diets, whilst their food might look healthy in isolation, they are actually eating the same meals on rotation. This means that they are eating a very restrictive diet, which isn’t good for us. Lots of people I meet are so obsessed with eating ‘healthy’, that they forget that they need variety.

I’m definitely a ‘good enough’ person, and that applies to my diet as well as other aspects of my life. By being more chilled out and relaxed, I’ve found that I have less bloating and have actually lost weight.

Inflammation and it’s role

When we are controlling over food or any part of our health, it can mean that we are not relaxed. Being relaxed and happy, is paramount to digestive function. Put simply, we process our food and absorb more vitamins and minerals when we are in a good mood.

By eating whilst either unhappy or stressed, we are sending signals to our body that things are not good. When things are not good, we tend to hold onto weight. We struggle with digestion, which can cause bloating and discomfort. If this sounds familiar to you, try chilling out a bit to see if things improve.

It’s not about perfection

Perfection is an imperfect thing, it’s impossible to achieve. By realising that, you give yourself permission to be a human.

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Has this episode made you realise that maybe you micro manage too?