Episode 49 – Urban Herbs

This week is an interview with Andy from Urban Herbs ‘we grow flavour’ Listen on iTunes.

Initially I wanted them on the podcast to talk about the amazing ranges and varieties of herbs that they grow. What I didn’t realise is that there was a huge story behind where they are now, from almost facing financial ruin as their whole route to market disappeared when CV-19 and lockdown hit. Andy is very honest about the challenges that they have faced, and although they always planned to sell online, the majority of their business was done at gardening shows. Fortunately they have managed to turn a potential disaster into success by sharing their passion for flavourful herbs via social media. This has given them the opportunity to talk to their customers directly about the benefits and uses of the herbs and reach a much wider audience.

Andy’s believes that everyone should grow herbs, and that everyone can, and I totally agree! Herbs have been used medicinally and culinary throughout our history, and gardening has been shown to help our mental wellbeing, so to marry the two is perfect. They grow a huge range and specialise in more unusual varieties, and although Andy calls himself a gardener, through their social media channels they talk directly to the cook in us all. They have a wonderfully light hearted approach and his hope is to inspire everyone to create their own little paradise of health promoting herbs.

By growing and cultivating your own herbs you can invest in your own future, better physical health and improved mental health are a wonderful by-product.

As a cook it excites me to try unusual ingredients and things like strawberry mint, BBQ rosemary and banana mint get my taste buds and my brain working. Which is why I want every single variety in my herb garden!

Andy and Kate from Urban Herbs are a perfect illustration of how social media can be used for a positive. They reached out to us all when times were dark and gave us a ray of green goodness and fun. I love that their customers (including me) felt their passion and took the time to communicate and feed back in a positive way.

They are already planning for the winter months and into next year, so if you want to find out what the future will bring follow their fun and lighthearted post on Instagram and Facebook. And you can buy direct from their website.