Episode 57 – Interview with Jess Davanzo – Talking about Fibromyalgia

This is a very special episode where I talk to my dear friend about her fibromyalgia, a chronic condition that she lives with every day. When I met Jess, I did not know straight away that she suffered with this condition, it is a hidden illness and Jess hides it well.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness. It is quantified by a feeling of extreme pain, an increased sensitivity to pain, brain fog, there are many symptoms, but the worst thing is, you can look just fine. Just a hug can hurt when you are experiencing symptoms. It is also exhausting and there isn’t really a conventional treatment, the only thing doctors can do is prescribe painkillers.

Fibromyalgia sufferers often feel that their body gave them signs, but as with many of us, they were too busy getting on with their lives to understand the signs. People often see taking a rest as a sign of weakness or defeat and will carry on regardless. Unfortunately fibromyalgia is cruel, and if you don’t listen it will force you to.

Jess’s Journey

One morning, Jess woke up with tingles in her hands and feet. She went to A&E and within hours she could not walk. This affected all her muscles, even her vocal chords. Jess was in hospital for months, and was unable to do even the most basic things. The doctors told her she may never walk again.

She went into rehab to learn how to do these things again and she was very determined. Jess was then diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. She talks about how the pains was so bad at times that she thought she might be dying. She openly admits that she did not look after her own well being, she had started to burn out. Also, Jess suffers with PCOS, her immune system is low and the trauma that she has gone through in relationships has also had an effect. It was a perfect storm.

What happened next?

Jess’s road to recovery was long, and she managed to find people who could support her. She believes that the biggest impact was cleaning up her diet and she did this with the help of Jennie who helped her transition to a plant based diet. She also started to take really good quality supplements and vitamins, again under the support of a nutritionist. She also addressed her sleep and started to meditate and revamped her life.

Thats not to say that she doesn’t still go out and enjoy herself. She has just learned to create a better balance.

Jess now

Jess is now in a better place to manage her condition. If she does too much, she has learned to stop and say no; she takes some time to rest. Jess runs a business called Square Peg Promotions. They focus on sustainable eco friendly and vegan products, so that when businesses promote themselves, it is done in the right way. She now looks at foods in depth to see what is in her foods. She loves to source her foods locally and seasonally. She now uses Tropic natural products for her skin to reduce the toxins that she puts on or in to her body.


  • Reach out to a positive community, Salus is a fantastic charity that can support you, they are very uplifting.
  • Say no and put yourself first
  • Do not hide it.
  • Do not give up
  • Take small steps.

Quick fire questions

  • What food reminds you of your childhood? Food around a campfire – popcorn and smores.
  • Most memorable meal in a good way? A restaurant in Chester which is plant based. Every course was beautiful.
  • What have you got for tea? Vegan sweet potato chilli.

What do you think? Let me know via Facebook and Instagram.