Episode 59 – The 5 things I eat and the 5 things I don’t…it might surprise you!

This week is going to be fun! I want to share 5 things that I eat and 5 things that I don’t but it may surprise you! And I’d love to know how many of them you got correct, if you are a regular listen of the podcast then you may have gotten quite a few.

What I do eat!

Potatoes – Some people avoid potatoes at all costs but I love them! They can create a spike in glucose and can affect energy levels, but if they are cooked and cooled, they have more resistant starch so are harder to breakdown. #Top Tip – Cook a batch of potatoes, cool them and then cook them again when I need to.

Full fat food – I never eat low fat food. Shocking eh? Full fat foods are how they are meant to be, low fat options have been messed with. I find low fat options are not as filling.

Alcohol – I don’t drink it every night and I don’t binge drink. I love a cocktail or a glass of wine, I like a Guinness in the local pub. #Top tip – Do not drink 2 nights running, give your body time to recover in between.

Bread – I love bread and absolutely love sourdough. Click HERE to see my blog post about sour dough. It is much easier to digest and is kinder to your gut.

Peanut butter – I really like peanut butter. Really good quality peanut butter is full of protein and good fats.

Yes I do reallly have these! In moderation of course!

What I don’t eat!

Multivitamins – My issue is that they are for everyone, not bespoke for you. I get my nutrients from fruit and vegetables. If I need a vitamin then I will take one that is specific to my needs.

Meat and eggs (unless I know where they are from)- I am not vegan or vegetarian but I do eat a predominantly plant based diet and would eat meat as a last resort. I like to know where my meat and eggs come from as I care about the animals and the conditions that they have been kept in.

Fizzy drinks – I used to have drinks that include sweeteners but I do not have them any more. I would rather drink a full fat version than have artificial sweeteners. Pop is bad for your teeth too!

Fruit (on it’s own) – I do not eat fruit on it’s own as it seems to bloat me and gives me too much sugar. I eat it with other things that include fat or protein which balances it out for my stomach.

Low fat foods – As I have already said, it has been messed with and is not natural. Find healthier options, eat full fat food but less of it.

Were you surprised by my choices? Let me know via Facebook or Instagram.