Easy Oats

Breakfast like a king

Oats are my ‘go to’ breakfast, they take no time to prepare the night before.  This means I don’t have to think in the morning, I just grab and go.  When I’m working I rarely get up early enough to eat before I leave so these easy oats mean that I can have a nutritious and filling breakfast at my desk.  You can make several in one go for the rest of the family, or they keep in the fridge for a few days.


1 part oats
2 parts liquid
Mix in any container you have (or a bowl covered in film will do) and pop in the fridge overnight.  Take out of the fridge and eat.


I love to make mine with fruit juice as I don’t think I have enough fruit.  A mixture of grapefruit and orange is my favourite.
I often make it with a mixture of almond milk and yoghurt, this gives it a really thick and creamy texture
Half a chopped banana – I rarely am making one portion so will use the other half in another
Fruit fresh or frozen.  if using frozen (I love mango) just take it from the freezer in the evening and put it straight into the mixture, it will be defrosted by morning, and will have flavoured the oats
Porridge mixture
oats are so cheap, and any will do, but if I am feeling flush, or want a bit of ‘extra’ goodness I will chop up nuts and seeds and mix them through the oats, you don’t need many to make a big difference.  This is really useful if you have growing kids, or if you are training and need more energy.
Allergies/intolerances etc
I make this for my vegan niece and she loves it.
My sister can’t have dairy so she has hers with almond or cashew milk (which I also love)
Most people with gluten intolerance and even coeliacs can eat porridge, you just need to be careful and make sure that they are pure oats.

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