Episode 77 – It’s Easy – is a relative statement

In this episode, I want to talk to you about how we can all make small changes to help our health and our bodies.

It’s not always easy

The inspiration for this weeks podcast was a recent detox I did. I have often been a bit dismissive of detoxes but had wanted to try a good quality one to see what it was like. The one I did was supported by a really good supplement company and was founded in a lot of scientific research. I had to remove a lot of things from my diet which in some ways was not a problem as was only for 14 days. But there were a few things that I was worried about – alcohol and caffeine (which I understood for detox) but,I had to cut out eggs which I love and eat a lot of, and I don’t feel I have an issue with them, but it was part of the rules so I did it.

During the programme, I felt a lot better. I thought that with so many restrictions, it was going to be tough, but actually it wasn’t that hard. Once I had done the detox, I realised that it had worked for me and I actually did not go back to eating or drinking some of the things that I had stopped having during the programme. And honestly it changed my view, but also got me thinking about how hard it might have been for different people.

We often hear “it’s easy” but it may not seem that way to us or others. When we make changes, we have to make sure that it suits us and is sustainable for us. I can tell clients what I think will help with their issue, and suggest changes such as excluding certain types of food. And it might be easier for them as they have an illness or negative symptoms that they’ve come to me with, but it’s still going to be an effort.

How you can help yourself

If you have a health issue, you want to lose weight, or you are suffering with digestive issues then making changes to your diet and lifestyle can be extremely beneficial. The only way you will see results and feel the benefit, is to make a change and stick with it. But making smaller changes and building on them is much easier than changing everything, or going on a detox like I did.

There are lots of small changes that can be made, just look at your diet (and lifestyle) and pick something that you know isn’t serving you and change it. Do not make things harder than they need to be. Once that change becomes habit make another.

Becky, who I interviewed in episode 69 told me that after doing my 7ways in 7days program now takes a glass of water to bed with her every night and she can’t imagine not having that as her first drink of the day. She also tries (but doesn’t always manage) to makes sure she doesn’t eat for 3 hours before bed – go Becky, it’s all about making positive changes!

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What changes can you make? Tag me and let me know!

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