Week 15

This week started with the amazing Lichfield Food Festival, over 60,000 people visited our little city over the bank holiday weekend. We had a fab time on the Monday and came home with a bag full of goodies, although that did mean we ended up eating scotch eggs for breakfast, pork pies for lunch and meat pies for dinner for a few days, not that I’m complaining, but my waistband did groan a bit. You can read about my day at the show here.
I picked up some healthy organic chicken breasts from Walter Smith on Thursday, and those, along with the veg box from Woodhouse Farm were meant to be the start of a healthier edge to our diet: however the sun was out on Thursday and we ended up walking the dog via The Barn and enjoying their 2-for-1 pizza offer, I did insist on a side salad and left the crusts, a small but important effort!
Friday daytime was good, I’d made a big batch of soup so I packed the committed carnivore off to work with a big pot full. His work colleagues now think I’m trying to turn him veggie as every home made lunch seems to be veggie or vegan, I can honestly say it hasn’t  been on purpose; but a few meals each week without meat can’t be a bad thing.
On Friday night we finally made it to Digbeth Dining Club, our evening started with Poutine, we’d never tried it before but what’s not to like, chips, cheese and gravy, although it’s a Canadian dish it felt like a very northern dish.  I was delighted to find out that The English Indian were doing chicken and halloumi rather than their usual fish (which would be great for me but not him) and we decided to share a mixed plate, however whilst I was catching up with the lovely Anna the Committed Carnivore scoffed the whole piece of chicken, luckily she took pity on me and gave me my own piece. We were both impressed with the chicken but it was the halloumi that surprised us both, neither are normally a fan but we both agreed we could have eaten a second piece, which is no small compliment.
Yesterday saw the waistbands expand even further with a trip to the T20 finals day in the Edgbaston Experience Club, the head chef supports British farms and they source much of their products locally, the food was excellent, and whilst they did have healthy options including salads, when you’ve a belly full of beer that’s not what you opt for!
Best things about this week

  • Lichfield Food Festival
  • Digbeth Dining Club
  • Signed up for Advanced Diploma in Nutrition, start on 11th Sept

Biggest challenge

  • An ever expanding waistline

My blog is s bit early this week as I’m off to Thrive Birmingham shortly, I do hope it lives up to my expectations, I will be blogging either later or Monday about the event.

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