Episode 140 – What is health?

So often our state of feeling well, our health, simply means the absence of illness or discomfort. Have we forgotten what it’s like to feel good in our bodies?

Taking an inventory

How long has it been since you’ve felt really well?

Take an inventory, be honest with yourself.
Do you even remember when you last felt well?
And don’t worry, it’s totally common not to!

We have been conditioned to live with discomfort and even pain. Powering through, getting on with it….these are all phrases we teach ourselves and our children. Change the rhetoric to honouring our health, fueling our wellbeing.

What if we are supposed to feel well?

The best energy, the best digestion, balanced hormones, pain free and a healthy weight. But it can feel like a mammoth journey as we’ve wandered so far from it we don’t know how to get back to it.

Take small steps every day. Ask yourself what one thing can you do today that will support you on your journey to health.

Transformation Program

And if you feel that you need some guidance, then that is where I come in. My next Transformation Program starts early June, and will have you feeling like yourself again in just 5 weeks.

What one positive change are you making today – let me know.