Episode 142 – 5 Tips to help you kick your sugar habit.

Do you feel like you are addicted to sugar? This week I share my top 5 tips to help you clean up your diet and kick sugar in to touch, forever!

If you want to know more about sugar and what it does in our body listen to podcast episode 139.

1. Begin to retrain your taste buds

We build up a resistance to sweet tastes, just like chilli. It can be really helpful to cut sugar out completely for a couple of weeks to retrain your sweet receptors.

2. Cut out artificial sweeteners

They are simply not helping. Artificial sweeteners not only trick the body into thinking it’s going to get something sweet and can drive over consumption. They are artificial, and why would you want that.

Personally, now that I have cut out sweetened foods I find artificial sweeteners too sweet, much sweeter than the real thing.

3. Get label savvy

Processed foods can be secret sources of sugar. Firstly check the label, should it have sugar in it? Would you add sugar to chicken soup?

Even on supposed healthy foods such as cereal bars sugar can be hiding. Sugar has over 50 different names when it appears on an ingredient label. Look for anything ending -ose and anything labelled syrup. Also look at the nutrition label, it will tell you what added sugars are in the food.

4. Start the day right

If you start your day with a sugar laden food, or something that your body easily converts into glucose such as processed foods sets up our sugar receptors.

So swapping to a more savoury breakfast and including protein to help keep you fuller for longer.

5. Find a new reward

If you use food, particularly sweet food as a reward then find something else.

It could be time doing your favourite hobby, finding a self care ritual such as a bath or a facial. Whatever works for you that isn’t food related.

I’d love to know what your new reward is – message me and let me know.