Day 34

I had a wonderful break in Greece at the beautiful Neilson Sivota Retreat the food was amazing, lots of local fresh salads and so it was easy to eat fairly healthily  (I was on holiday after all!).
We were delayed on the way home so we had no other option than to buy a loaf of bread from the garage, but I did have a nice big slab of cheddar in the fridge so we had cheese on toast for our tea on Sunday!
I did a nice ‘big shop’ at The Butcher/Baker at Barton Marina on Monday afternoon, and for the first time it felt like I was really shopping rather than just playing at it.  However I was a little shocked when they told me that they don’t sell tea….?? Luckily we didn’t need any we were just halfway down the packet so still plenty of time to get some.
Biggest Positive this week

  • Seeing the veg and fruit  in Parga being delivered to the local restaurants straight from the back of an open sided van, and it smelled amazing as we walked past
  • The amazing Greek Salads all last week

Biggest Negatives this week

  • Still not found anywhere that I can do a full shop
  • Still not found a veg delivery company
  • Trying to do a big shop in a silly wicker basket

I’m feeling super positive this week, perhaps it’s because of the weather, we are plannign our second barbeque of the week tonight, but I think its also because I feel I am truly committed to shopping local.
I’m planning on revisiting the other farm shops I’ve been to with new eyes and really look at what they sell to see if I can find one that I can use for my big shop like I would a supermarket.
Shops this week:

Day 34

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