Day 46

It feels much longer than 8 days since my last post. So much has happened to me personally and professionally in the last few days, however I can’t believe that I’m already over halfway through the challenge.
I’m sitting on the train writing this after tucking into a very large cheese and ham baguette from the International  Cheese shop at Victoria station, travelling back from the Love Supreme festival.  The food there was really great, there wasn’t one dodgy burger van amongst them, lots of sensible options for us drunken festival goers, along with loads of veggie and vegan options. I feasted on a veg curry, samosas, cheese on toast, mac n cheese and garlic bread over the two days.
This week, the plans have been approved for our house extension, I’ve bought my domain and email for my new coaching company (will post link once I have a site), I’ve signed up for two days careers coaching at a local college and sold the shares in my family business that I’ve worked for for 27 years. Also this week I’ve  been asked to be a food blogger for The Best of Lichfield. All amazing, but I had agreed with my lovely hubby that when I stopped working for my family business that I would take things easy for a while. Better not tell him about the BSc I’m enquiring about.
So, 46 days in and still no supermarkets required. Surprisingly there are still some friends and family that  hadn’t realised I had my site or that I was doing this challenge, so I need to make sure I’m talking about it even more! I felt really sorry for my sister-in-law on Friday, she and my niece are both vegan, Hubby is a committed carnivore, so she picked Las Iguanas for dinner as she knew it would satisfy all. When I told her about my challenge she offered for us all to change restaurants immediately, and was really disappointed that she hadn’t actually booked an independent, as she does normally.  Having said that the food was good, we all enjoyed it, and to compensate we did have Sunday brunch at V and H which was delicious, everything you needed to recover from a heavy night  and prepare for more festival fun.
Best things about this week:
Being asked to blog for The Best of Lichfield
Having food envy for my nieces vegan breakfast
Watching the little piglets sleep whilst my veg box was being picked
Packington Farm shop offering to order me in some Ecover washing products so that I can keep up with my challenge
Amazing train picnic on Friday
Challenges this week:
Realising I need to park some ideas and be more selective before my head explodes
Finding out Packington Farm shop has a loyalty card (£5 back after 5 shops over £20, very nice!)
What to do with all the kale in my veg box
The veg box has been a real success, and we had so many soft fruits in the fridge I’ve even frozen some, I’m ashamed to admit that it was a first for me, but seems to have been pretty successful, the proof will be later this week when they end up in our porridge. 
I had fun shopping for our train picnic on Friday and it was actually easier than going to the supermarket as everything I bought was already made for me, so I had to do zero prep and I felt rather pleased with myself whilst munching on my goodies on the journey. My  niece was especially impressed when we offered her our uneaten liquorice, not only was it vegan but apparently it tasted even better than strawberry laces!
I’ve got some more busy weeks coming up, so I won’t be home much, I’ll post periodically, and back to normal after 17th July, and as always posting like crazy on Instagram.
Shops this week
Packington Farm Shop
Woodhouse Farm & Garden

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