Middle Aged Spread?

One of the most common question I get asked by women of a certain age is:

What can I eat to get rid of my belly fat?

Whilst it’s not a fact that we will all gain weight as we age, it is something many of us worry about.  I speak to a lot of people that are frustrated as they feel stubborn weight, especially around the middle, is increasingly harder to move.  Here are some of the reasons why, and what you can do to help.

You burn less calories in middle age.

Resistance training helps protect muscle mass

As we age our muscles mass reduces.  Muscle mass is the key factor in our basal metabolic rate (BMR).  BMR is how many calories you burn when you do nothing. It’s the base rate that our smart watches and phone apps use to calculate how many calories you have burned in a day.  If your muscle mass reduces your BMR also goes down – that means the number of calories burned in a day gets less. 

The good news is that you can increase your BMR by protecting your muscle mass.  You can do this by lifting weights if you are able.  However, for many a better option is to do classes such as yoga which use your own body weight. This is particularly helpful for women as it has been shown to have a beneficial impact on osteoporosis.

Another way to burn more calories is to move more.  As we age we tend to move less; we may work less hours, we haven’t got kids to chase round after.  Just by moving more you increase the number of calories burned. One of the best forms of exercise is walking.

You become more relaxed about your food.

Are you eating out more often?

As we approach middle age we might have more disposable income.  Maybe you are eating out more, where the tendency is to eat richer foods and often have a desert and alcohol.  Have you got into the habit of snacking with your partner in front of the TV at night?  These can soon mount up to a lot of extra calories without you even realising it.

There are some simple things you can do when eating out to make healthier choices. Creamy sauces are high in calories, so avoid them or why not share? Make sure you order salad or vegetable sides rather than a garlic cheese bread.  Alcohol is full of empty calories and high in sugar.  Make sure you have at least one day in between drinking. It’s a good way to look after your liver too.

If snacking in front of the TV is your vice a simple tip is to ensure you don’t eat for 3 hours before bed.  Not only will this dramatically reduce the opportunity for late night munchies. And if you are snacking, decide how much you are going to eat, then put that in a bowl.  It is much easier to overeat if you just take the family size bag with you.

Your hormones can affect your body shape.

As women age oestrogen levels start to drop.  This can encourage fat storage in the belly area which is what we refer to as visceral fat.  Visceral fat in both men and women is linked to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other health problems. 

Lower oestrogen levels can also affect ghrelin. Ghrelin is your full hormone, so the reason you may be driven to eat more is because your ‘full’ indicator isn’t working properly.  Nuts and seeds, particularly flaxseeds and sesame seeds are high in oestrogen.  They are also naturally high in fat and protein which keep you full for long, but beware as they are high in calories so don’t eat too many.

Are you being realistic about your weight goals?

Is it achievable to be the same weight as you were in your twenties?  Your body has probably been through a lot since then.  Maybe you’ve had children, had an illness, or are you on long term medication?  All these will have had an impact on your body. 

Our genetics will also have a role to play in how well we age.  Whilst you shouldn’t just assume that you will gain weight if your parents are both portly it will have an influence.

Be realistic in your goals – no amount of dieting will give you legs like Julia Roberts if you are a mere 5’3.

The moral of the piece is, don’t beat yourself up over the things that you cannot change.  There are some easy and simple things you can do, such as moving more and eating a healthy balanced diet. 

If you feel that you need help with this, take a look at my online membership.  Ditch the Diet was created for people who want to maintain or lose weight but are confused about the messages from the diet industry.  You have access to a trained nutritionist (me) and the focus is on eating for energy and vitality throughout life, for more information www.ditch-the-diet.co.uk

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