Microbiome Testing

Microbiome test – provided by Your Gut Map

The human microbiome is home to trillions of microbes. Take the simple Your Gut Map test to discover insights into your microbiome, and receive your personalised report that will give you information on:

  • Bacteria report for 20+ health conditions
  • Microbiome diversity
  • Biological age
  • Lactose and Gluten sensitivity
  • Macronutrient and Micronutrient sensitivity
  • Antibiotic & Processed Food damage
  • Metabolic index & sleep quality
  • Sugar index
  • Bowel mobility
  • Autoimmune indext

You will also discover increased risk of health problems from your microbiome status on key areas such as skin disorders, migraines, liver disorders, blood sugar disorders.

Using the simple, at home, stool sample swab the laboratory with analyse and report on 30+key health insights. You will receive your personalised recommendations based on AI interpretation of over 90 published studies.

Once your results are back from the lap you can access your report directly on the YourGutMap site, and book your test interpretation call with me to answer any questions you might have.

