Week 16

Wow, four months in and I’m still shopping locally for all my food!
Unfortunately, I had to go to a supermarket this week; we needed boring stuff like toothbrushes, bleach, washing up liquid, cleaning cloths etc.  And because we have the builders here now for the next few months I bought a big box of t-bags (they requested Yorkshire Tea) and coffee.  I chose the local Co-op as it’s a small shop and on the middle of an estate, which means that it helps lots of people who might be a bit less able to get into town as regularly. I forgot my shopping list, but did remember everything I think; however, I must admit that whilst I was wandering around trying to make sure I remembered everything I did get seduced by a bag of quinoa.  But all in all, four months and just t-bags and quinoa is pretty good going I think!
It seems like more than a week has passed since the first Thrive festival in Birmingham, you can read about my visit here.  I loved their catch line, ‘Eat, Move, Thrive’ and I’m still working my way through all the lovely healthy goodies I bought there.
The Barter System has been kind to us again, we were lucky enough to be given some grouse this week as my mom didn’t want to cook it! We happily took it off her hands and thoroughly enjoyed it, I served it with a creamy pepper sauce which complimented it well and version of bubble and squeak.  I did pack a dinner for my mom and Jim, as Jim was the one who received them for some work he had done, and they were very complimentary about it, maybe my mom will agree to cook her own next time?
Last week we were given the biggest bag of plums I’ve ever seen, when we were asked if we wanted some out of a colleague’s garden that wasn’t quite what I expected.  After a bit of research, I decided to use the majority to make a version of brown sauce.  We ended up with several jars, all of which have now been distributed.  I thoroughly enjoyed mine, not least because it meant I had an excuse to buy some lovely bread from HunnyPot Cottage and enjoy a bacon butty for my tea!  I’m waiting for feedback and if it’s positive I’ll post the recipe online.
On Friday I baked two big batches of cookies, one was for the amazing staff at The Kitchen Shop in Lichfield, when I accidentally left my phone they made a great effort to contact me and get it safely returned.  And another batch for our lovely friends Yvonne and Martin, who always put us up and make the best  breakfast for us whenever we go out in Nottingham.
We had another busy weekend, starting with a meal out in Birmingham on Friday with a couple of friends that we really don’t see enough of.  Saturday saw the hubby leave early to go to the footy then we were out on Saturday in Nottingham at our first 60th birthday party, pretty scary but it was a great evening, lots of dancing, drinking and laughing.  On Sunday, my in-laws arrived for a quick stopover on the way to see friends in Cornwall and we took them into Lichfield as our good friend Andy was celebrating completing his first triathlon, so much drinking and laughing again, followed by a curry.  Today I’m drinking lots of water and have had porridge for breakfast and veggie stir fry for lunch, a little bit of detoxing is needed.
Best things about this week

  • Grouse – for free
  • Lettuce and tomatoes in the veg box
  • Catching up with friends this weekend

Biggest challenges

  • Drink, drink, drink

The weather has begun to change, the trees are losing their leaves, however these last two weeks have seen tomatoes and salad leaves still in the veg box, which has meant that we’ve enjoyed a few late summer salads, which do feel like quite a treat.  Having said that I’m ready now to get the slow cooker back out and start to experiment with some lovely stews and casseroles. Autumnal comfort cooking, but first we are off for a couple of weeks in the sunshine next week.  I’ll continue to try and source local food, and will update you as often as I’m able.

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