Your body has an amazing ability to cleanse and detoxify. However, our modern world is filled with toxins from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Learn how you can help your body detoxify efficiently, and recognise the signs if it’s not working properly.
Foods that fuel detoxification
Understanding the organs that keep you clean
1. Toxic Overload?
Have you ever heard the term detox, or cleanse and wondered what it really means? Why is it so important to our health and wellbeing?
If supported well, and not overexposed to toxins, our bodies will naturally detox. They have amazing organs to support this process, however modern world environment means that we are being exposed to more and more chemicals that are putting additional pressure on our bodies and can lead to overload.
What are toxins?
Before we start it’s helpful to understand where toxins come from. Some of which are within our control and others are not. The dictionary definition of a toxin is any poisonous substance, and these can be of a natural origin such as snake venom or a chemical toxin. Whilst it is fairly easy in the UK to avoid natural toxins it can be surprisingly difficult to avoid chemical toxins.

We are exposed to many different chemicals or toxins on a daily basis. If you want to know more about processed foods, which contain chemicals that might be harmful to our health, read this previous blog post – convenient foods vs processed. But have you considered the clothes you are wearing, carpets, cooking equipment and cleaning products.
A shocking statistic is that the average woman is exposed to 168 different chemicals on a daily basis. Our skincare, moisturiser, shampoo, are all stuffed full of chemicals that are not natural and therefore toxic to the body.
We will be discussing the organs that detox the body in section 3, but what does if feel like if they are not working optimally?
Signs of poor detoxification.
Provided we are not exposed to excessive amounts of chemicals our bodies are well equipped to remove and eliminate toxins. However poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress can have a negative impact on our body and this process. Here are some common symptoms of poor detoxification:
- fatigue
- brain fog
- digestive issues – bloating, constipation, diarrhoea
- skin problems – rashes, acne, eczema
- headaches/migraines
- bad breath
- dark circles under the eyes
You cannot eliminate all toxins from your life, but by making a concerted effort you can significantly reduce them. that’s why I choose clean brands such as Tropic and Clean Living International for my personal skincare and home cleaning.
Then supporting your natural processes by eating the right foods and potentially taking part in a regular cleanse can help promote optimal health.
To listen to this podcast episode 209 released on 7th August click the link below
2. Foods that support detox
Eating a wide variety of healthy, unprocessed foods is a great start in supporting our natural detoxification process. However there are some superstars that we can easily incorporate into our daily diet.
Super foods for detoxification
It’s no surprise that green leafy vegetables are high on the list of foods to support detox. This is due to their high levels of Vitamin C, but before we even put a morsel in our mouth we should be thinking about hydration and water in particular is the best thing we can consume to aid detoxification. It transports waste products to be eliminated either in urine or in stool.
Foods high in fibre are also beneficial for detoxification, as they help bind toxins, to allow them to be efficiently eliminated from the body. All vegetables are high in fibre, along with whole grains, and the recommended daily minimum amount is 30g.

Eating lots of antioxidant rich foods can help your body deal with the oxidative stress caused by toxins. These are foods that are high in Vitamins such as A, C, E Selenium, Lycopene and Lutein are supportive of health, and include berries, fruits, nuts, cocoa and spices.
What foods negatively impact detoxification?
Just as important as what you eat, is what not to eat. Foods that contain artificial ingredients should be avoided, if you are unsure then read the label, if you can’t pronounce an ingredient assume it’s not health beneficial and put it back.
Alcohol and caffeine also affect detoxification. This is becuase they need to be detoxified via the liver. The liver is our main detoxification organ (more about that later) and so if it’s busy detoxing alchol and caffeine, it doesn’t have space for other toxins we’ve been exposed to.
Meals to support detox
What might a detoxifying day look like? If you include the ingredients listed above you know that you are supporting your body in the best way you can. This is what a day might look like:
Breakfast – a bowl of yoghurt with nuts seeds and berries and a glass of celery juice.
Lunch – a big bowl of mixed greens with your source of protein sprinkled with seeds and a drizzle of olive oil.
Dinner – broccoli and cauliflower roasted, served with wild rice, organic chicken and steamed asparagus
To listen to this podcast episode 210 released on 14th August click the link below
3. Understanding the organs that keep you clean
Our bodies have the amazing power to naturally detoxify and cleanse. However, the excess of chemical exposure in modern life means we are exposed to excessive toxins that are overwhelming this natural process.
What are our main detox organs?
We initially detox through our skin, the reason you get spots after eating greasy food is because of the toxins coming out of the skin. Our lungs are also major detoxification organs, breathing in oxygenated air cleaning it and breathing out toxins such as carbon dioxide. One of the main functions of the kidneys is to filter the blood and remove toxins.

I talk to clients more about their liver than any other detoxification organ, and this is the one that we most associate with detoxification. The liver is the most amazing, and my favourite organ, it can heal itself, and is the only organ that can do that. However, if you put it under too much pressure it causes cirrhosis of the liver, which means that the liver is scarred and cannot regenerate.
The three stages of liver detoxification
The liver filters around a litre of blood a minute, and it removes toxins and then converts them into substances that the body can eliminate.
Phase I liver detoxification – the blood is filtered and toxins are removed. This is done via a group of genes known as the CYP genes – which stands Cytochrome P450 and they are the largest family of genes in the body. We don’t want these toxic substances hanging around too long, so efficient movement onto Phase II is vital.
Phase II liver detoxification – this is where the body takes those substances and bind them to other molecules to make them less active, or less toxic. This is known as conjucation. This also makes them soluble so that we can remove them from the body. This process relies on sufficient amino acids – proteins.
Phase III – finally we are able to move these substances from the liver and excrete them from the body.
We can test your CYP genes, as well as other critical genes such as COMT and GSTM1, which are all key in the detoxification process. Remembering that all toxins, including alcohol, caffeine and medication pass through the liver, understanding your personal genetic profile can give you an insight into why you might be suffering from some of the conditions mentioned in section 2.
To listen to this podcast episode 211 released on 21st August click the link below
4. Boost your detox
If you are feeling a bit sluggish, or have any of the symptoms in section 1, then embarking on a detoxification program can help clear out stored toxins and reset the body. We store toxins in our fat molecules and so by following a cleanse you can help release those stored toxins.
Of course your body is made to naturally cleanse and detox, but if it’s become congested then embarking on a cleanse program can be really useful to help clear excess and re-energise your system. In my 14 day cleanse program you give your body a refresh. I provide you with a full meal plan, which includes 3 days of liquid only which will help reduced stored fat and therefore eliminate toxins.
What to expect on a cleanse program?
Everyone has a slightly different way of cleansing, but I work around a 14 day elimination and reset process. Firstly eliminating all toxins from your diet, plus any potentially inflammatory foods.
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Dairy
- Gluten
- Sugar
- Nightshades
You will be feeding your body with wonderfully nutrient dense meals, along with some targeted supplements (see below). Working up to 3 liquid only days at the middle of the program.
The first time you embark on a cleanse you will probably have some side-effects, the more toxins within your body, then the worse this cleanse might feel. If you are regularly eating highly processed foods and including chemicals in your daily routine such as alcohol, sugar and caffeine, then the more of these toxins will be stored in the fat cells of your body.

You may experience a withdrawal from the caffeine and sugar, along with the release of the stored toxins from your fat cells. This can feel strange and a little uncomfortable, and that’s why I suggest complementary supplements to support you through the detox plan.
The first time I cleansed I felt awful on days 2-4, I had a severe headache and my body ached. I was surprised as my diet is fairly clean, but of course, this was my body releasing all the stored toxins I had been exposed to. But after the program had ended I noticed that my face was less puffy and my cheekbones were more defined. I lost several inches from my waist, an area that I naturally stored fat, and it hasn’t come back on.
These side effects of withdrawal should ease after just a couple of days, and you’ll start to feel more energised without having these chemicals in your system.
How often should I cleanse?
I like to cleanse around once a year, after the first time I cleansed I was ready for a similar reaction the second time. Interestingly, I didn’t feel anywhere near as severe symptoms as the first time, and each time I do the cleanse I feel less and less side-effects, but also less benefit. This is telling me that my diet and environment is clean and my body isn’t holding onto toxins in the fat cells or bloating. It has less to eliminate so I feel less impact.
I would recommend once a year as a reset for most people. And for me, I start to feel a little bit sluggish and it’s like my body is telling me that it wants me to reset. I have a wonderful low cost program that is available, it includes all the tools you need, advice on supplements and meal planning 14 day cleanse to find out more.d
Detoxification heroes
As well as following a clean eating plan during cleansing there are supplements that you can take that will support your body’s natural elimination.*
Water – we cannot eliminate toxins through stool or urine without sufficient water. Ensuring you are staying hydrated is the first, and easiest way to support natural detoxification.
Milk Thistle – has been found to support liver regeneration, it is antioxidant and it may act to block toxins therefore reducing the pressure the liver.
Fibre – is key in stool formation. A complete bowel movement at least once a day is preferred, and simply by ensuring you eat enough fibre daily, you can support the natural elimination of toxins through your stool. It is recommended that you eat at least 30g fibre daily.
Glutathione – is present in every body cell, but it is particularly concentrated in the liver where it plays a key role in phase II detoxification (see above). It helps to bind to toxic molecules to allow them to be removed from the body. Supplementing with glutathione when embarking on a cleanse can support the liver and detox pathways, as you will be releasing additional toxins into the body and want to ensure they are being efficiently eliminated.
Selenium – helps support the body against oxidative stress and is particularly useful in support a heavy metal detoxification. It works to bind metals to neutralise them and support elimination.
NAC – N-acetylcysteine has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can help break up mucus, making it easier for the lungs and airways to release toxins. It is also a precursor for glutathione, so it helps support the body to make more when needed.
*if you are taking any medication you should seek advice before taking supplements, particularly those that support the liver as all medication passes through the liver.
To listen to this podcast episode 212 released on 28th August click the link below
Did you enjoy the topic of these episodes, have you got any feedback or questions? Please reach out to me via my social media channels, I’d love to hear from you. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so that you don’t miss an episode.
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A note about our sponsor
Revive Active, Ireland’s leading Super Supplement Brand, we are proud to have them as sponsors of this podcast as their formulas stand out as a powerhouse of premium ingredients, working together in perfect harmony to bring you optimum benefits.
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Want to know more about ways to work with me?
There are many ways that you can work with me to balance your hormones and improve your health and wellbeing.
On Facebook the Fab Female Nutrition Club is a wonderful FREE community where I offer lots of support and advice on female health and wellbeing. I also love to cook and create recipes and I’ll often be seen in the group cooking live and sharing all the wonderful health benefits of the ingredients used.
My Fab Female Nutrition Membership sits alongside the free club, but offers you lots of resources and group coaching with me. The hub has the full recipe book that is constantly being updated, the 5 elements of health containing resources and guides to help support you in your health journey. And 6 group coaching calls a year, plus access to other member benefits such as discounts from group programs.
A few times a year I work with groups of ladies to transform their health and wellbeing. Appropriately called The Transformation Program it can help with many differing issues and we have had hugely impressive results – including up to 100% reduction in symptoms. If you suffer with IBS, fatigue, inflammation, hormonal imbalances or just want to spend some time concentrating on your health and wellbeing they are fabulous value and great fun.
If you feel like you need a more bespoke option, then my 1:1 coaching and testing is for you. We will concentrate on your specific needs creating nutritional protocols that support your health goals. We take a full health history, then tailor testing to help create and refine protocols so that you learn about your body and how to support it. I will be with you every step of the way to guide you and ensure that you realise your true health potential. Find out more here.