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173 – Quitting sugar and unleashing your potential with Jenn Edden

Do you find yourself reaching for the sugary snacks in the evening after being 'good' all day. This is just one of the topics we explore on this weeks podcast. About Jenn Jenn is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC and is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Growing up with depression and anxiety, Jenn has seen the effects firsthand of what sugar can do to your physical and mental well-being. After healing herself of gastritis in her mid...

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172 – How to beat the Christmas bloat.

172 – How to beat the Christmas bloat.

This week I share some simple tips that will help you take back control of what you are eating, and reduce that bloat over the holiday period. Do you feel sluggish and slow over the holiday period? Whilst food is an integral part of the holiday season, and I don't want you to exclude all those wonderful ingredients. It can also contribute to a sluggish and uncomfortable feeling. If you want to be full of energy and vitality then you need to consider what it is that you are fuelling your body...

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171 Pelvic Floor Health with Sarah Gaddie

171 Pelvic Floor Health with Sarah Gaddie

About Sarah I’ve been a Pilates instructor for almost 20 years and taught fitness forever yet after having three children I was suffering from bladder leakage. I trained as a pelvic floor coach five years ago so I could help myself and millions of other women who put up with pelvic floor problems! I’ve also trained as a menopause coach so now run pelvic floor programmes, pelvic floor in menopause workshops and coach women in fitness to do regular exercise to lift their energy levels,...

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170 – How often should you be eating?

170 – How often should you be eating?

Do you eat twice a day, three times a day, or maybe you snack a lot and eat 6 or more times a day? This week I explain why how often you eat is just as important as what you eat. Why do we need three meals a day? There is a saying about three square meals a day, comes from sailors who used to eat their meals from square plates. However, they definitely didn't eat three times a day and more likely had one or two meals per day. Three meals a day seems to fit with modern times, we eat before...

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169 Lets talk about sex

169 Lets talk about sex

and why your intimate health matters - with Sam Evans from Jo Divine sex toys We don't talk about sex and our intimate health enough, and so there becomes a stigma about it and women in particular can end up using products that are not healthy for the health of our vagina or vulva. So this week Sam and I start to open up that conversation. About Sam "I'm the co-founder of online sex toy retailer Jo Divine with my husband Paul. We only sell skin safe products and irritant free lubricants and...

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168 Reduce your cost and energy this Christmas

168 Reduce your cost and energy this Christmas

The holiday season can be expensive and tiring. In this week's episode I'm going to share my cost and energy saving tips. What do you want to remember about Christmas? We can become obsessed with the material things, but I urge you to think deeper and explore your childhood Christmases. When you look back what is it that you remember fondly? Start with those memories before you even think about shopping. And then keep that thought with you when you look at each of my saving areas, which are...

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167 – Early signs of Perimenopause

167 – Early signs of Perimenopause

It might surprise you to hear that early signs of perimenopause can often be more mental and emotional than physical. I share some of my experiences this week, and encourage you to open up the conversation with friends and family. When can we expect to be in perimenopause? It might surprise you to know that I tend to advise clients and friends that if they are 40 or over and experiencing symptoms then assume they are in perimenopause. Perimenopause can last over ten years. This doesn't mean...

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166 – The 4 ingredients to a healthy diet

166 – The 4 ingredients to a healthy diet

Nutritionists often talk about healthy diet, but what does that mean. Is it a vegan diet, is it counting calories and weighing your food. It's much simpler..... What is a healthy diet? We are all different and so a healthy diet means different things. For a coeliac gluten would not be included in a healthy diet. Yet we talk about a Mediterranean diet as being healthy and that often includes pasta. If you are a non-meat eater then a healthy diet for you would look very different from someone...

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