Would I recommend a Thermomix? Definitely! Would I buy one myself? Probably not!
Thermomix Demo
Would I recommend a Thermomix? Definitely! Would I buy one myself? Probably not!

Is there nutritional value in eating food you enjoy, and enjoying the food you eat?
My job is a nutritional adviser, my hobby is food and cooking, so my life rotates around food. It’s the first thing i think about and the last thing on my mind at night. I love creating new recipes, feeding myself and my loved ones; but I also have moments where my meal is simply a random collection of food grabbed from my kitchen. However, regardless of what I eat, I try to make sure that I take a minute to be in the moment when I eat and really taste the food. Why? Because it feeds my soul,...

Why I don't think diets work, and what does
The term diet should be applied to the food you eat, your own personal eating plan; however, it has come to be synonymous with a specific and restrictive formulated meal and nutrition plan. When we follow another person’s diet plan we are not eating our own foods, and this means that the diet does not belong to us. Once we have completed the diet plan, whether that be to achieve a weight loss goal, or for a specific time period (such as 30 day plans); we then revert back to our own eating...
Early start
After a short retirement I’m back, a 6.45am gym session this morning was a bit of a shock, but I’m feeling fired up for a big day today.
Why I love the changing season and how that affects the food choices I make
Good bread is my ultimate convenience food
I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid we had bread with pretty much every meal. Then along came the low-carb fad diets and my intake of bread was drastically reduced. In recent years, I’ve made my own bread: but honestly, it takes flipping ages, and usually by the time its proved, proved again, baked and cooled all my enthusiasm has gone, and I’ve consumed at least two meals! I’m delighted to be able to say that we still only eat home baked bread, but it’s no longer me that’s doing...
Salt, too much?
Should we add additional salt to our meals?
Advice, recipes and more for the menopause
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