Health advice, recipes and more …

Empowered Midlife: A Guide to Perimenopause & Menopause
October is Menopause Awareness Month, and in honour of this, we are diving deep into all things hormones, midlife, and menopause. Whether you're approaching perimenopause, in the thick of it, or supporting someone who is, this series is for you. Understanding how our...
Detox Deep Dive
Your body has an amazing ability to cleanse and detoxify. However, our modern world is filled with toxins from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Learn how you can help your body detoxify efficiently, and recognise the signs if it’s not working properly. Toxic...
208 Deep dive into your Microbiome with Emily Blake from Invivo Healthcare
This week's podcast is an interview with Emily Blake who has eight years of clinical experience including lecturing, running her own clinical practice and working withing the functional testing industry. Emily starter her career as an archaeologist specialising in...
Beyond the Plate: The Four Essential Ingredients for a Healthy Life
As a nutritionist who adores food, I know that true wellness goes beyond what's on your plate. In this monthly blog and podcast episodes, I'll delve into the four lifestyle elements that are just as crucial as food for a vibrant, fulfilling and healthy life. The four...
Eating more fibre will make you happier

Eating more fibre will make you happier

In the UK we only eat, on average, about half the amount of fibre that we should. It seems perfectly acceptable to discuss how many carbs or protein you are eating, and the latest diets, however talking about fibre is deemed to be much less acceptable.  The obvious...

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Natures Miracle Trio

Natures Miracle Trio

Nature is full of amazing ingredients, making sure you get a portion of these three wonderful health boosting ingredients daily to keep you healthy and happy, and support your natural immune system. Lemon, Garlic and Ginger are easily added to lots of different meals...

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Greek Salad with Edamame Beans

I know purists will hate me for adding beans to this salad, but I love their crunch texture and I generally have a bag in my freezer and I add them to lots of dishes.  I think they are a really easy way of upping your daily intake of veggies, but feel free to leave...

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Eat Up by Ruby Tandoh

Eat Up by Ruby Tandoh

It might seem strange that a nutritional adviser is reviewing a book about eating what you want, however I love the philosophy behind this book, and my recent post about how we get improved nutritional benefit from eating food we enjoy shows how much I believe in...

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Asian Style Barbecue Pulled Pork

This is another great summer recipe for your slow cooker, and it tastes even better if you finish it off on the barbecue. Pork belly is a really cheap cut, and it responds well to slow cooking.  It is a very fatty joint, but by cooking it for a long time you render...

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Eating for Energy

Eating for Energy

If you were to view your body as a machine that required fuel what types of fuel would you put into it and at what intervals to get the optimum performance?  Have you ever thought about whether you are getting the optimum performance out of your machine? ...

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Alessandra, vegan recovering from injury

Alessandra, vegan recovering from injury

Alessandra is vegan and she is knowledgeable about diet, food and exercise.  She had a serious knee injury which resulted in her not being able to walk for 8 weeks, and she still had mobility issues some 4 months later.  She was seeing a physio who said there was no...

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Jan – recently retired company director

Jan – recently retired company director

Jan had been trying to lose some weight for a few years, her weight yo-yoed because the only way she knew was to eat less if she wanted to weigh more.  Since being retired Jan said she had lost a lot of her energy, she felt tired in the day and lacked motivation to do...

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Join the Fab Female Club

Join this free Facebook community for :

  • get support on the menopause.
  • ask questions and get answers from a female hormone expert.
  • lots of tips and advice.
  • healthy recipes and ideas.