Health advice, recipes and more …

Empowered Midlife: A Guide to Perimenopause & Menopause
October is Menopause Awareness Month, and in honour of this, we are diving deep into all things hormones, midlife, and menopause. Whether you're approaching perimenopause, in the thick of it, or supporting someone who is, this series is for you. Understanding how our...
Detox Deep Dive
Your body has an amazing ability to cleanse and detoxify. However, our modern world is filled with toxins from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Learn how you can help your body detoxify efficiently, and recognise the signs if it’s not working properly. Toxic...
208 Deep dive into your Microbiome with Emily Blake from Invivo Healthcare
This week's podcast is an interview with Emily Blake who has eight years of clinical experience including lecturing, running her own clinical practice and working withing the functional testing industry. Emily starter her career as an archaeologist specialising in...
Beyond the Plate: The Four Essential Ingredients for a Healthy Life
As a nutritionist who adores food, I know that true wellness goes beyond what's on your plate. In this monthly blog and podcast episodes, I'll delve into the four lifestyle elements that are just as crucial as food for a vibrant, fulfilling and healthy life. The four...
168 Reduce your cost and energy this Christmas

168 Reduce your cost and energy this Christmas

The holiday season can be expensive and tiring. In this week's episode I'm going to share my cost and energy saving tips. What do you want to remember about Christmas? We can become obsessed with the material things, but I urge you to think deeper and explore your...

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167 – Early signs of Perimenopause

167 – Early signs of Perimenopause

It might surprise you to hear that early signs of perimenopause can often be more mental and emotional than physical. I share some of my experiences this week, and encourage you to open up the conversation with friends and family. When can we expect to be in...

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166 – The 4 ingredients to a healthy diet

166 – The 4 ingredients to a healthy diet

Nutritionists often talk about healthy diet, but what does that mean. Is it a vegan diet, is it counting calories and weighing your food. It's much simpler..... What is a healthy diet? We are all different and so a healthy diet means different things. For a coeliac...

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165 – Prioritising your health

165 – Prioritising your health

Do you prioritise everyone else before yourself? This week I delve into that further and explain why looking after your own health first is the best way to care for your loved ones. What would happen if you couldn't do your job? Your job might be to cook the meals,...

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163 – World Menopause Day 2022

163 – World Menopause Day 2022

There is still so much confusion, even from women, around when perimenopause and menopause happens and what the signs and symptoms are. Today's podcast is released to coincide with world menopause day, I also released a special episode in 2021, if you would like to go...

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162 – How do you know when you are hungry or full?

162 – How do you know when you are hungry or full?

Hormones control our feeling of fullness, but are we able to tune into them if we never feel hungry? Listen to this weeks podcast to find out more When was the last time you were hungry? That rumbling feeling in your stomach followed by a slight discomfort if you...

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161 – The power of Reflexology with Ruth Hodgkiss

161 – The power of Reflexology with Ruth Hodgkiss

Reflexology is an ancient art that can be used to help promote the body's natural healing processes. This week Ruth Hodgkiss introduces us to this fabulous complimentary therapy. Ruth is a practitioner and teacher of Reflexology. Before that, she was a secondary...

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  • get support on the menopause.
  • ask questions and get answers from a female hormone expert.
  • lots of tips and advice.
  • healthy recipes and ideas.